A Home. A Family.
At First Baptist Church of Hatfield, you will find both a home and a family. Some of our members are lifelong residents of Polk County and even lifelong members of the church. Others are recent transplants from other areas. Our congregation is multi-generational, including infants, toddlers, children, youth, young families, and grandparents. Regardless of age or where we come from, all have found a home and a family in the church. Our common bond is our love for the Lord Jesus and our love for one another.
First Baptist Church of Hatfield is an autonomous church of the Lord Jesus Christ who looks to the Holy Bible as our sole guide for faith and practice. In the spirit of Christian cooperation, we voluntarily affiliate with the Ouachita Baptist Association and the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. As a congregation we are in agreement with and adopt as our own statement of faith The Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Click the link below for more information about our statement of faith.