Decisionism and Unregenerate Church Membership — Addressing the Drift from Biblical Authority
June 22, 2022
This is the audio of a Wednesday night Bible Study from June 22, 2022 in which the continuing drift away from Biblical authority in the Southern Baptist Convention is addressed. Why is the drift happening? If the Law of God is written on our hearts as a term of the New Covenant, then how is it that God’s people are not holding to or trusting in the Law of God as their sole source of authority in faith and practice? It is logical to conclude that this is due to the growing influence of unregenerate church membership — congregations whose members profess to know Jesus but who have never truly been born again of the Spirit — who have not had an experience of salvation. We have brought this upon ourselves — mostly unintentionally — through the use of modern evangelistic methods that rely on the falsehoods of decisionism or tools like the Romans Road that are Scripture taken out of context. In our desire to grow the kingdom, we have compelled people to come in, but many have never truly met the Lord. Masses are deceived into thinking their souls are safe when they are not, and the power of God among congregations is hindered because not all are led by the same Spirit. We need to get back to the old time way. The Lord’s Salvation is timeless, and the old time way is still the only way. We need to encourage people to seek the Lord, and nothing else. Only He can save!
Benny Maggart says
Amen, Amen, Amen!!! Brother Bradley is absolutely correct in his teaching. Excellent instruction!!!
Wanda Brawner says
All The Who what when where why how if and or buts . Best sermon I’ve ever heard on salvation Bro Bob Bradley.
Florida was such an example of your message when I moved here in 1973. Thank God He sent some preachers to this state.
We need pianists we need singers. We need song leaders. Do Re Mi is a miracle worker. Thank you.