All The Who what when where why how if and or buts . Best sermon I’ve ever heard on salvation Bro Bob Bradley.
Florida was such an example of your message when I moved here in 1973. Thank God He sent some preachers to this state.
We need pianists we need singers. We need song leaders. Do Re Mi is a miracle worker. Thank you.
Benny Maggart says
Amen, Amen, Amen!!! Brother Bradley is absolutely correct in his teaching. Excellent instruction!!!
Wanda Brawner says
All The Who what when where why how if and or buts . Best sermon I’ve ever heard on salvation Bro Bob Bradley.
Florida was such an example of your message when I moved here in 1973. Thank God He sent some preachers to this state.
We need pianists we need singers. We need song leaders. Do Re Mi is a miracle worker. Thank you.